We have paid particular attention to designing the arrival and departure to be as smooth and easy as possible for our disabled passengers. The following information is intended to make it easier for you as a disabled passenger to plan and carry out your journey.


It is important that you inform your travel agent or the airline with which you are flying in good time of the extent of help you need. They will also give you further information on assistance for you. Your airline will make the necessary arrangements and will request the airport to organise the assistance services you require. People collecting disabled passengers may pick up their guests or dependants straight from the baggage carousel.


By car
You can reach the airport via the A 8 motorway (Karlsruhe-Munich) or via the B 27 trunk road (Bundesstraße). After the Stuttgart Airport exit, please follow the signs to Arrival or Departure or head for your booked parking space. Directly in front of the terminals, in the Kiss & Fly zone, you can park for 8 minutes free of charge. If you need longer, please ask the staff on site or contact Apcoa via the intercom at the exit. Rollimobil offers a special service with barrier-free car hire for people with physical disabilities.
By S-Bahn (urban light railway)
The S-Bahn station at the airport is accessible to wheelchairs and to the blind. The lifts and ticket machines can be used by wheelchair users. When moving from the S-Bahn level to the Departures area of the terminals, a change of wheelchair is necessary. An overview map with disability-friendly S-Bahn stations may be requested free of charge from the Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart (VVS) on phone number: +49 711 19449. They will also provide timetable details and information about departure or connection Options.
By train
When travelling via Stuttgart main train station (Hauptbahnhof), you can then take the S-Bahn to the airport (route S2 or S3). The “Bahnhofsmission” will be happy to assist you: tel. no.: +49 711 292995. If after landing at the airport you would like to continue your journey by train, you can obtain train and S-Bahn tickets from Monday to Friday in the travel centre of Deutschen Bahn AG (in the mezzanine level above the S-Bahn). Find out the opening hours, prices and payment methods in advance by telephoning: +49 711 2092-4733. The travel information can also be reached by telephone. This number and the number of the Mobility Service Center for Planning Accessible Travel can be found on the Deutsche Bahn website.
By taxi
The taxi rank is located directly in front of Terminal 1, Arrivals. If travelling from Stuttgart please call: Taxi-Auto-Zentrale Stuttgart, tel. no.: +49 711 19410.

by car by S-Bahn by train by taxi


Disabled parking spaces are indicated in all airport car parks and in the multi-storey car parks. The parking guidance system at Stuttgart Airport will direct you to free parking spaces. Please note the price differences for short-term and long-term parking: parking spaces marked green are cheapest. In all multi-storey car parks the disabled parking spaces are on the ground floor in the direct vicinity of the entrance. Should you have any problems, you will find a call button to contact the control centre at every entry and exit station. APCOA Autoparking will be happy to provide further information: tel. no. +49 711 948-4893.

Further information on parking at Stuttgart Airport


With two hotels in the direct vicinity of the terminal, Stuttgart Airport offers convenient accommodation options for a barrier-free stay. The Mövenpick Stuttgart Airport & Messe and the Wyndham Stuttgart Airport Messe are both 200 m away.

Mövenpick Stuttgart Airport & Messe Wyndham Stuttgart Airport Messe


So that your airline can make the appropriate arrangements before you arrive at the airport, you should state when booking your flight to what extent your mobility is limited.


The following international classifications will help you to determine your level of disability yourself:

WCHC (Wheelchair Cabin Seat):
This passenger always needs a wheelchair. He cannot move about in the cabin without external assistance.

WCHS (Wheelchair Steps):
This passenger cannot climb steps but can walk a short distance.

WCHR (Wheelchair Ramp):
This passenger does not generally need a wheelchair or needs one only for moving longer distances. He can climb steps independently.

Passengers with impaired sight or blind, with or without guide-dog

Passengers with impaired hearing, deaf or deaf-mute

Passengers with some kind of intellectual or development disability

Passengers with impaired sight or blind and with impaired hearing


After arriving at the airport, please contact your airline’s check-in desk. All further individual assistance up to departure will be organised from the check-in desk.

As not every impairment is immediately visible, we ask you to draw the attention of the staff at the check-in desk to your restriction. This will ensure that your personal needs are considered during the journey.
Accessible routes or lifts will take you to the Departures area and allow you to change levels independently in all four terminals.
If you do not want to go directly to the gate but would, for example, prefer to have a coffee with friends beforehand, please also inform the check-in personnel of this. In this case, report directly to the desk of the Mobility Service (Boarding Support) in Terminal 3, Departures to be then transported to your gate. You can still do this up to one hour before departure.
Mobility service would be happy to answer any further questions on phone at +49 711 948-4000 or via email:


You may be required to change from your own to an airport wheelchair to board the plane. If this is the case, wheelchairs and trained staff are available at Stuttgart Airport free of charge to assist you. Passengers’ own wheelchairs will be carried in the hold of their aircraft. We ask all passengers to check in their own wheelchairs at the bulky baggage counters so that their mobility aids can be loaded promptly and properly.
We point out that, particularly with battery-operated wheelchairs, changing to another wheelchair must be carried out in good time because of the loading regulations.
If you are travelling with a wheelchair operated by a battery, please find out about the type of battery and give this information when you book your flight with the airline. The batteries must be secured and disconnected and the terminals isolated by you personally when checking in. Then the wheelchair must be handed in at the oversized baggage desk.


Don't forget the following before starting your journey!

For a stress-free and relaxed a start as possible to your holiday, please note the following points before leaving.
We would like to assist our passengers with reduced mobility or with disabilities as well as possible. So it is important that you inform your airline or travel agent when you book - but at least 48 hours before starting your journey - what level of assistance you need and to what extent your mobility is impaired.

This pre-notification is required under EU Regulation 1107/2006. This is the only way to ensure that information is forwarded to Stuttgart Airport in good time to enable it to coordinate assistance tailored to your needs.

On the date of departure, present yourself as usual at the check-in desk of your airline. To find your way to the check-in desk, follow the general airport signs. If you have any questions, please speak to the staff at our information desks.

  • AeroAtoll Apotheke
    Terminal 2, Departures

  • Doctor: Airport Medical Center
    Terminal 1, West; Tel.: +49 711 93315872; E-Mail:

Airport Medical Centre
  • Lifts
    Lifts in all passenger terminals are accessible for wheelchairs and people with disabilities.

  • Viewing terrace
    A concessionary entrance price applies to visitors with a valid disabled ID: tel. no. +49 711 948-2737. A ramp for wheelchair users is provided.

Viewing terrace
  • Mobility Service Terminal 3, Departures
    The Mobility Service is available from 4:00 – 12:00 daily. Here you can obtain information on transport onto or off the plane or loan of wheelchairs on provision of a deposit. You can also request personal assistance here - either via the phone at the counter or by asking a present staff member. Please note: if you need assistance, inform your airline or travel agent at least 48 hours before departure. If the desk is not occupied for a short period, you can call the Mobility Service from any airport phone on number 4000. Note: please only use the Mobility Service if you really need it. If you need a porter, our baggage service will be happy to be of assistance.

  • Baggage carrier service (no baggage reclamation)
    At Stuttgart Airport we provide you with a personal porter service. A porter can be booked for a small fee by telephoning +49 711 948-4500 (Monday to Sunday) or by email at (Monday to Friday).

Further information on baggage
  • Guide dogs
    Guide and assistance dogs are allowed in all terminals. You must ask the airline in question whether guide and assistance dogs may be taken with you into the cabin.

  • Telephones
    All public phones in the terminals are designed for use by people with disabilities.

  • Entrance and exit doors
    Electronic revolving doors always adapt their speed to the respective passenger. The doors are wheelchair-friendly.

  • Toilets
    There are disabled toilets available in all terminals.

  • Wheelchairs
    Wheelchairs should be requested in advance when you book with the travel agent or airline. There is no charge for this service. In addition in Terminal 3, Departures there are further wheelchairs at the Mobility Service desk that can be borrowed on provision of a deposit (ID card, driving licence etc.). There is no charge for this service.


  • Telephones
    All public phones in the terminals are designed for use by people with disabilities.

  • Emergency/First Aid
    +49 711 948-112 or +49 711 948-2000

  • Airport Information
    +49 711 948-0

  • Mobility Service
    +49 711 948-4000

  • Airport Medical Centre
    +49 711 9331-5872

  • Security, Lost Property
    +49 711 948-3355

  • Church/Airport Chaplaincy Ministries
    +49 711 948-4100 (protestant) +49 711 948-4101 (catholic)

  • Baggage tracing

Further information on baggage tracing