Please note when traveling to the airport:

On 21 February, a warning strike by ver.di will lead to disruptions in public transport. Please check the current connections with the  VVS before travelling.

Winter Operations Manual

The Winter Operations Manual Part B describes the procedures of the aircraft de-icing process at Stuttgart Airport.

Winter Operations Manual Part B

Brief Description

The procedure document Brief Description describes the content of the Airport CDM procedure at Stuttgart Airport in a more comprehensive form and serves as an essential working basis for all partners directly involved in the process.

Brief Description

Flight Crew Briefing

The procedure document Flight Crew Briefing describes the content of the Airport CDM procedure at Stuttgart Airport in an abbreviated form and describes the procedure from the flight crew’s perspective.

Flight Crew Briefing

Flight Crew information

The procedure document Flight Crew Information can be used at all German Airport CDM airports. It contains all essential information, time stamps and contacts for flight Crews.

Flight Crew Information

Form for the person responsible for the TOBT

The responsibility for the maintenance of the Target Off-Block Time (TOBT) in the Airport CDM process lies with the airline. The scope responsibility for the TOBT must be clearly allocated. Where necessary, an implementing body (e.g. the handling agent) is to be appointed for the maintenance of the TOBT by means of this transfer declaration.

Form TOBT-Responsibility (in German)

Web-CaeSAr user agreement

For the use of the web-based Common Situational Awareness Tools (CSA Tool) Web-CaeSAr it is necessary to enter into a user Agreement.

User agreement Web-CaeSAr