Please note:
Please note when travelling to the airport: Due to the LogiMat trade fair, there will be expected more traffic by car and public transport from 11 to 13 March. Please plan your journey in good time.
Please note when travelling to the airport: Due to the LogiMat trade fair, there will be expected more traffic by car and public transport from 11 to 13 March. Please plan your journey in good time.
Our mission: We strive to become one of the best-performing and most sustainable airports in Europe – the fairport.
Each year Stuttgart Airport makes its performance on an economic, social and ecologic level transparent to all stakeholders.
Depart. Report 2023 (in German)
Please contact on questions regarding sustainability and corporate responsibility at Stuttgart Airport.
The fairport code is the foundation for responsible behaviour at Stuttgart Airport. It applies throughout the airport group and describes our values and our understanding of sustainability. It also guides the behaviour of employees towards each other and towards customers, business contacts, competitors, authorities and other interest groups. The updated fairport code came into force in March 2024. It applies to all companies at the airport site in which the Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH (FSG) holds a majority stake. The environmental policy of FSG is also integrated into the code.
Compliance describes the lawful behaviour of a company, its bodies and employees. In addition to applicable laws and regulations, it also includes internal company guidelines. Stuttgart Airport considers compliance to be a company-wide requirement and part of the sustainability strategy.
fairport CodeAs the first business in the industry Stuttgart Airport founded an academic sustainability advisory council in February 2014. The fairport council discusses the strategic relevance of corporate responsibility topics. In annual meetings Stuttgart Airport asks the six member expert panel for their constructive and well-founded criticism and advice. Together they elaborate approaches for developing the fairport strategy.
Members of the fairport Advisory Council: