Please note when traveling to the airport:

On 21 February, a warning strike by ver.di will lead to disruptions in public transport. Please check the current connections with the  VVS before travelling.

Kiss & Fly zone in front of the terminal

When dropping off a passenger at the airport, you may stop for 8 minutes free of charge in the Kiss & Fly zone, located on the departure level in front of the terminals. The zone is regulated by automatic barriers for a smoother flow in traffic. A fee will be charged for longer stays (see below for fees).

How Kiss & Fly works

  • Enter without a ticket
    Barrier opens automatically, a camera records the licence plate at the entrance.

  • Free stay up to 8 minutes
    Simply drive out, barrier opens automatically.

  • Stops over 8 minutes are chargeable
    You can pay contactless at the exit with credit or ec-card or enter the vehicle registration number at the automatic pay station before exiting, pay (cash, ec or credit card) and then drive out.

Overview of fees for Kiss & Fly

1st Entrance within 15 Minutes
up to 8 minutes free of charge 10 Euro
8 to 10 minutes 5 Euro 15 Euro
10 to 15 minutes 10 Euro 20 Euro
15 to 20 minutes 20 Euro 30 Euro
20 to 30 minutes 30 Euro 40 Euro
30 Minuten 40 Euro 40 Euro

Chargeable period 24 hours a day. Vehicles which stay longer than 30 minutes within the barriers will towed away at the reponsibles party's expense (240 Euro plus parking fees).

Kiss & Fly Fee Schedule and Terms of Use (in German)

Parking facilities for drop-off and pick-up

If you need more time, you can park for one hour free of charge in the nearby car park P0. Short-term parking for a fee of 2.50 € for 30 minutes is available in car park P5 on the arrival level and in surrounding car parks P2, P3, P4, P6, P12 and P25.

Pricelist parking (in German) More about parking at the airport